October 30, 2023
Sent By
Mom, Deb Andersen
October 28, 2023 Home again
October 28, 2023, Home again.
Dear amazing Sister Andersen
Hey, how are you doing? I have thought a lot about the conversation we had last week. Zoie, I know you were stressed about being a good trainer, but I want to tell you that all you can do is be your best self. Love your mission. Love those you meet. Love your companion. In doing all this, she will feel your love for our Savior and all other things will fall into place. You have been given a great opportunity to train, but that doesn't mean you need to change who you are. You do not need to be perfect. Yes, do your best to follow all the mission rules and to let her know what is expected of her as a missionary, but enjoy your mission and help her enjoy her mission. Make it fun. If you are being obedient and having fun, mission life will be good. Remember to turn to the Lord and ask Him for guidance and help. Like we said last week, ask Sister Hansen for her impressions and don’t be afraid to follow her lead once in a while. If needs be, make corrections but look for her gifts and encourage her to use and develop her talents. After a week, I hope you are feeling better about things. I know you can do this. You have always been a great leader and I have faith in you.
Since this is a short week, this letter may be short, also. You already know that I had surgery on Tuesday. I had a post-op on Wednesday then flew home. By the time we got home, I was exhausted. Overall, I am still doing well. My leg still doesn’t hurt. I do feel my hip once in a while, and my leg feels weak but overall, it is good. The incision sight is still a little tender. The rest of the week, I haven’t been doing much. Dad has been busy but I will let him tell you about his week.
CFM thoughts for the week: This week we studied 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Some of my thoughts, 1 Timothy 4, there are things that will pull us away from Christ and it also tells us what we need to do to be believers. One thing is to not neglect the gifts that are in us. Some gifts are given by the spirit but some gifts we can develop. So, Recognize your gifts, ponder on them, and then develop them. Then later in 2 Timothy 2 talks about “stir up the gifts of God”. Ponder about the gifts you have developed and who helped you think of those as gifts and encouraged you to develop those into gifts. Then think about how you can help stir up gifts in others. With your companion, notice the gifts she has and encourage her to develop them. I like 2 Timothy 4th, it tells us not to give up. As you finish your mission, make this your goal, that when you come home you can say, verse 7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Also, it tells us to Be diligent. Remember the Lord will stand with you. I know this is Paul talking at the end of his life, but don’t we all want to be able to finish any period in our life with these thoughts.
I kind of jumped around in my thoughts, I hope you can follow my thoughts. Remember to follow your heart. Be happy. Enjoy your mission. Be Zoie. Love others and Love the Lord. Be Zoie. You do all these things anyway. You are great. You have so many talents, some you came with from pre-existence and others you’ve developed, but either way you are amazing. Like we were told in Conference, (I can’t remember who said it) look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are wonderful, or something like that, because you are.
I love you.
Your mom.