
May 23, 2016




Sister Dias

Sisters with a cold!

Hello! I hope that everyone is doing well in that corner of the world and that it is nice and beautiful and warm there! Because it is COLD and freezing and rainy here! But i am loving it, so its all good! :)

Last Monday we spent the day with Ju! We went to a park that is here in Suzano and it was super fun! :) We didn't do a whole lot, but it was nice to relax! We made tons of food with Juliana too and that was good! Food is always good!

Tuesday we had our District Meeting and the Elders gave me a blessing because i was still sick. We ate at a restaurant that imports potatoes from Belgium to make french fries! I think they were the best french fries that i have eaten in my life! It was super delicious!! Other that that, we stayed home for the day because we weren't all that great.

Wednesday we woke up horrible, but we tried to be tough and we went to our lunch appointment with Emily and Monique! I love them so much! They always are so much fun! We had a great lunch with them and they made the yummiest hot chocolate that i have ever had! It was marvelous!! It was rainy and cold that day, so it was perfect! We then visited Carlos and Douglas and they are still doing great! We then passed by to visit Ju and Amilton because it was Dudu's birthday! So we went to McDonalds with them because that is what he wanted! :) It was super fun! I love Dudu! He turned 6!

Thursday there was a miracle that happened. We showed up at our lunch appointment and Lorena said something about Doritos and beans and salad and i immediately had a big smile on my face! It sounded like Taco Salad!! Something that i have been craving to eat!! I had told my family when we Skyped for Mothers Day that i was wanting to eat it, and then all of a sudden, we showed up for lunch and they had made Taco Salad!! I was a Happy Camper that day i can tell you that! :) It was marvelous! That night we had an activity with our ward, a Ward Family Home Evening and it was fantastic! I love this ward so much! Sister Dias and i shared a message about the importance of studying the scriptures and it was a hit! We were matching and everything! Everyone enjoyed it! It was great because some of our investigators actually showed up which was great!

Friday was a good day, more or less. We were still pretty horrible this day, but it happens! We don't like to stay in the house the whole day, but that is what we ended up doing. We stayed home that day in our blankets trying to stay warm and studying! That night we helped a member with some English and they took us out for dinner afterwards to eat soup! It was great! :)

Saturday we helped one of the members here get everything for her wedding at the cartorio! It was awesome! We had lunch with Ju and her family that day because her Sister got married that morning and so they called all of us to have lunch with them! It was delicious the food! A Churrasco! Yum! But we ate so much that we ended up a bit nauseous after! Whoops.... but that is what happens when there is lots of good food! We had and activity with the Relief Society that night that we went to as well and that was great!

Sunday was great as always! Sundays as a missionary are stressful, but we made it through! I love Sacrament on Sundays. It is always one of the highlights of my week! I love learning more about the Gospel. Especially surrounded by the people I love and the people we are teaching. We had a great lunch with some members and all of their family. they reminded me a bit of my family, so i felt a bit at home and that was nice :) They also have a puppy that is so cute and it was nice to play with him. It reminded me of my puppies! :) That night it rained and we went to look at the sky and it was so neat! There was a line that went straight down the middle of the sky and on one side it was all cloudy and the other you could see the stars clearly! It was beautiful!

And today! We spent the day with Juliana and Amilton and Dudu again! It was a good day! We went on an adventure and made lots of memories!

I love this work and am so happy to be here! :) Sorry i dont have much to talk about this week because we stayed home a better part of the week, but we are still working on getting better health wise! have a wonderful week and i love you all!

Love Always,
Sister Kinnaman :)


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