December 28, 2015
Sister Nogueira
Happy New Year!!
Hello! :)
Happy Birthday Poppi!! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday! Next year I will be there to celebrate with you! :) I love you!
This week was crazy! It was so out of routine and schedule and it was strange! To be up past 10:30, i forgot what it was like! ;) Haha! Just kidding, but it was odd! For Christmas we got to stay out until Midnight at the house of a member! Here in Brasil, they celebrate Christmas at Midnight! They have mountains and mountains of food on Christmas Eve, and they welcome the day of Christmas at midnight with fireworks!! Midnight is when Papai Noel comes to all of the houses! All of the kids go and look at all the fireworks, and when they come back inside, Papai Noel has passed! The fireworks are so pretty! The member that we stayed with was Irmã Fanny, and she lives on the fourth floor of her building, and from there you can see the whole city! So at midnight we looked out the balcony at the entire city, and it was full of fireworks! It was so pretty! It was kind of like the fourth of July! It was a super fun night! We played games and talked and ate! It was different , but it was good :)
As for the day of Christmas, it was the best part!! I got to talk with my family!! :) YAY!! Finally! After almost 6 months! What a blessing that was! We went to Irmã Fanny's house again beucase she is like our mom here in Suzano! :) We love her and her family! And they love us too! Well, at least we think they do... ;) Haha! I had to make a new Skype account to talk with them becuase i couldnt remember my other one for the life of me! But we got it to work and what a joy it was to talk with my mom and dad and brother and the girls! And to see RJ! He is so big, I cant believe it! It was so great to see my house again! I loved every second of it! The hardest part other than saying bye, was talking in English!! It was super difficult! I didnt even realize that i was talking in Portugese at times! What a mess my brain is when it comes to English! Haha! I dont even want to know how difficult it will be in another year... I definately know that the Gift of Tounges is real and powerful. I am grateful to have experienced that, even though i was embarassed that i could hardly speak my native language! Sorry again guys! Its easier to write than to talk!
This week was also a great one becuase of Erica! She is an amazing young woman that we encountered and have been teaching! We were helping her prepare for Baptism this last week, and this last Sunday, she was Baptized. What an experience. She has such a sweet spirit with her, and a lot of the time, we felt like she was teaching us, not the other way around! I know that the Lord prepares a path for all of us. Just like He prepared for Erica to Come Unto the Savior and follow His example and be Baptized. To make this sacred covenant with our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that Sister Nogueira and I had the opportunity to get to teach her. All of the members thought that she was a missionary already! The day of her Baptism, everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. As a missionary, sometimes we experience every emotion that exists, in only one day! But with the help and power of Prayer, and the hlep of the amazing members in our ward, everything turned out great!
Sorry I dont have much to say this week, but it was a fast week and these were the hilights of my week!
I was readidng a letter from Ryland today, and he talked about how as missionaries, we will experience the most sorrow, the most pain, the most pain, and the most sadness we have passed until this point in our lives. But he also said that we will experience the most joy and happiness we have known until this point in our lives. I can testify of the truthfullness of these words. They are 100% true. I have experienced the most sadness and sorrow of my life here in the mission, but i have also experienced the most happiness and joy in my life, here in the mission. I also know that my Savior knows exactly how i feel at every moment. I know that i am in the right place, representing my Savior and becoming more like Him. To have the opportunity to help people return to our Father in Heaven, truly is the greatest mission and calling i can talke part of. I am eternally grateful to be here in Brasil, helping my brothers and Sisters come to know their Savior better. I love this Gospel. I know that the Churcfh of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the Earth. I know that the power of the Priesthood is real and powerful. I know that we have a Modern day Prophet, Thomas S. Monson who guides the Church of Jesus Christ throgh Sacred Revelations. I know that my Savior lives and loves me. I know that Jesust Christ know us all individually and perfectly. If you are having difficulties, turn to Him. And i promise that He will be able to lift you up and help you. You will feel of the infinite love that he has for you. I testify of these things in the name of Jesust Christ. Amen.
Happy New Year! Our mission president invited us to make it a goal this year to Walk with the Savior Always. So that will be of my goals this year. What is your goal?
I love you all!! Please keep me and Sister Nogueira and our investigators in your prayers! THank you!
Com MUITO Amor,
Sister Kinnaman :)