December 14, 2015
Sister Nogueira
Week of Conferences !
Goodmorning everyone!
First, i will start with saying that you all need to seriously enjoy Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches! haha! Seriously though. I didn't know how much i missed them until i made one the other day with the peanut butter that my momma sent and the raspberry jelly that we splurged on! It is delightful!!
Secondly, Sister Nogueira and I will be spending Christmas here in Suzano! Yay! Transfers are this week, but we will be staying here together! This trassfer will be 7 weeks because this last one was only 5! We are super grateful that we are staying here together! I love Sister Nogueira! She is an amazing person and amazing missionary! I am so grateful for her :)
This week was full of Conferences and meetings and it was crazy busy! We had our Mission Conference for Christmas this last week! It was super fun! Each Zone had a talent and a little presentation! Our Zone, Mogi das Cruzes, sang O Holy Night in English! It was so much fun! Everyone is so talented! And we had a testimony meeting too, and that was amazing. Especially the testimonies of the missionaries that will be leaving tomorrow to head back home. They were so powerful. I hope that my testimony will be as strong as theirs one day. On the way to the Church building that the conference was at, one of the main train stations was closed and boy did that cause problems.... Because of that everyone had to get off at the same station, and there were SO many people!! We were all smashed together and personal space of any kind no longer existed!! It was ridiculous!! What should have taken 5 seconds to walk, took 5 minutes! If not more! At one point, i wasn't moving by choice, but because people from all directions were moving me!! It was crazy and I am just glad that it wasn't the day for transfers and we didn't have our bags!! That is the positive side! After four hours, we arrived at the church! It should have only taken 1 and half hours! BUt, that is part of living here in the city!
This last Saturday morning we had the opportunity to sing! Some of the other Sisters invited us to sing with them, so we accepted! Little did we know that it was in the middle of a huge market!! We got there and were shocked! haha! But all was well! We wore Santa Clause hats and sang five Christmas Songs! In Spanish, Portuguese, and English! It turned out super awesome! Turns out, they want us to come back this Saturday and sing again! And one of the people that heard us, wants us to sing at their Hospital! I dont think it was that good, but it was the Spirit that the songs brang that was people really liked! It is awesome singing Christmas Hymns. they bring a very sweet Spirit. The True Spirit of Christmas!
This week we helped a member paint a wall in their apartment!! Blue blue blue!! It was super fun and i was the only one who had patience to fill in all of the little holes! I think we will return there today to finish! The Irmã that we helpes, is a professional chef!! And is the Relief Society President! What a blessing it is to have her in our life! She is truly amazing and it was great opportunity to serve her for once! I think it was last week, she had noticed that Sister Nogueira had practically nothing of her shoes left, and she bought two pairs of shoes for her :) It was really sweet of her. I am so grateful for the members of this ward :) I definitely miss all of you there in my home ward, Patterson! And Parkwood too! I love you all!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Yesterday at our Stake Conference President and Sister Silcox spoke and they both spoke about missions. They were amazing talks that brought a very sweet spirit. I know the Missionary work really is a sacred calling and opportunity. I am so grateful for this opportunity to preach the Gospel and Represent My Savior. Our recent convert, Cleber, was there too, and because of their talks he has an even bigger desire to serve a mission!! What a blessing this is! He even went and talked with them, which is a big deal because he is super duper timid!!
Anyways, that is my week for the most part! Always interesting here in São Paulo!! Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal! :) Hugs and Kisses to all!!
Sister Kinnaman :)