
February 6, 2019




MTC Week 5

みんさん こんにちは!(Hello everyone!) How are you? I hope you are all doing great. Many great, embarassing and interesting things happen to me this week. This email might be a bit longer but please bear with me. This is a great story hehehe I think 😂 if you want the embarassing story skip to the... oh no, wait! Just read everything HAHAHA love you!

日本語 は 楽しい です (Nihongo is Fun)

We are starting to learn the sentence structures and grammar of Japanese. Jodan (my friend's name, not jodan as in "joke" in Japanese) is right, singing hymns in Japanese helps a lot to remember words. I am starting to pick up on the language. Line upon line. I am also able to say My Purpose and The First Vision in Japanese which I know would be useful when preaching the gospel. I know that God giveth the things that He knows we need in order for us to accomplish His work and His glory. I believe in the Gift of Tongues. Nihongo is fun 😁

Faith > Fear

We had a task where we had to teach our Sensei (teacher) as a district. And yes, it was what we expected to happen at the start of the task. There were 7 people asking questions and teaching at the same time. Some were hesitant, some were just going for it. We were asking random and unnecessary questions to our sensei. It was very MAGULO (confusing/messy). Then one of the other senseis observing suggested that we should say a silent prayer to ask for the companionship of the Spirit. We did. Then one of them suggested also to "say what we felt was right and not have doubts to open our mouths". This is when the Spirit started to help and guide us as we teach. I didn't bother thinking too much about the grammar and just went for it. I just opened my mouth and let the Spirit teach. I feel like it goes the same with the rest of the district. We knew the Spirit was there. Faith should always be greater than your fear.


I was chosen to give the closing prayer at the devotional last Sunday. My companion was sick so I had to go with a different companion. Our whole district was ushering this week. Jovita Shimai (shimai=sister) broke her wrist and had a cast on so we decided that she should be my companion on stage so she won't have to usher. So devotional started, we were sitting comfortably on stage when suddenly the zipper of my skirt popped. (I'm getting fat huhuhu 😭) I didn't know what to do. I asked Jovita shimai if she could fix it but she said "I can't, I only have one functional hand" (since her other hand is still in a cast). I tried fixing it with a necktie pin, I tried using a pen to clip the skirt but nothing is working. I asked Jovita Shimai if she could pray instead of me and she said "No, this is your opportunity." I almost gave up. I said a silent prayer and let out a deep breath. I tried to calm down and think. I thought of covering my skirt with my coat and just hold it with one hand. Then, when I put my coat on I noticed that my coat has a belt. So I tied my skirt with that belt and it worked. I covered the broken zipper with my coat and tied it with the belt so it won't fall while I pray. (SEE PICTURE BELOW) For me, this is one of my most humbling experiences ever. If I only trusted on what I know could work I wouldn't have fixed my skirt. I know that Heavenly Father helped me with what I should do when I said a silent prayer. He knows us and knows what we need. On a side note though, I'll go on a diet soon! HAHAHA 😂 I am so thankful that I was still able to give the prayer at the devotional despite having my skirt not coordinating.

Sorry if it was quite long. Thank you for reading my emails every week. Tell me about your week. I hope you are all doing well. I know God loves each and every one of you! I, too, love you all ❤


1. The Sisters in our district having fun in the classroom

2. Selfie with my favorite book (You should read it everyday)

3. Me before giving the prayer for the devotional

4. Selfie 😂 my roommates did my hair and make up for the devotional hahaha

5. Roommates + Sister Kauok (the one in the middle) after chika time

6. My broken skirt and how I fixed it

7. Snowwwwwwww!

Love, Manalo Shimai

マナロ 姉妹 | Japan Nagoya Mission


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