みなさん こんにちは!It's my 3rd week in the MTC woah! Before I share my Missionary Fun Adventures I would like to ask you first, "How did the gospel change your life?" Please share your thoughts on that. ありがとう ございます。
1st TRC (Teaching Resource Center)
This week we had our first time teaching someone. Yay! My どりょう(companion) and I planned a 20min lesson in Japanese and prayed to God that may thy Spirit be with us as we teach. We taught 2 persons both in Japanese. They were both so lovely and actively participating. One of them shared something about his feelings about praying to know the truth and I really liked it so I wanted to follow up on that with my testimony. And I don't know a lot of Japanese yet but I really wanted to share something so I just thought to myself, "Just OPEN YOUR MOUTH and let the Spirit talk. The most amazing thing happened. I opened my mouth and Japanese words and phrases came out of my mouth and I was able to bear my testimony. The Gift of Tongues is true!
Japanese Evaluation
So y'all know that I've been struggling a lot in Japanese these past couple of weeks right? This week we had our Japanese Test/Evaluation and I was so surprised that I knew more than I thought I knew. Heavenly Father helped me. It is true that "Nasa Diyos ang awa nasa tao ang gawa". If ever you are having a hard time in school or in work, know that God loves you and He's always looking out for you and He magnifies all your efforts.
Sister Training LeadersSo our dai senpais (Older batch of missionaries) already left for the mission field last Monday (SO SAD HUHUHU) and the branch presidency needed to call new zone leaders and sister training leaders. Our district is the only district that is left in our branch. We were about to start our district meeting when President Collinsworth called us outside. I really thought my companion and I were in trouble or something HAHAHAHA but he smiled and asked us if we would be willing to accept the call to be Sister Training Leaders. And we did! My companion and I are now the Sister Training Leaders for our branch. 😀 There are more kohai (new batch of missionaries) coming in and included in our responsibilities are to welcome them and be an example to them. I do not know how to be a great sister training leader but I know that God will help me and that He will magnify my efforts.
The Other Side of Heaven 2
The Director and writer of the Other Side of Heaven and co-director for The Dead Poet's Society was our speaker on our Sunday Evening Devotional this week. He showed us clips, sneak peeks and the trailer for the Other Side of Heaven 2 which will be released on Summer this year. It has such a wonderful and inspiring story line. Don't worry. I won't spoil it HAHAHA anyways, I love his talk and his humor. One thing that I love about what he talked about was
Faith is the glue that holds everything together when nothing else can, when nothing apparently makes sense.
I know that even if we go through hard times in our lives, our Heavenly Father was, is, and always will be there. We have to trust and have faith in Him.
How was your day? Week? Tell me your story I would love to hear about them. I love you all so much!
P.s. Please reply on a separate email if you have a private thing you want to talk about or share about or if you don't want like 23 people seeing your reply here hehehe just a reminder. Mwua mwua!
Love, Manalo Shimai
マナロ 姉妹 | Japan Nagoya Mission