
April 5, 2022


Union, Missouri


Sister Rachel Ravsten

Week 22: Transfers!

Happy April! I'm so happy Spring is finally here! I hope you're all having a great day. It's rainy today in Missouri but April showers bring May flowers!


*Monday, March 28:

We got to be with Sister Tillotson and Sister Brown! We hung out at their apartment in Eureka.

I got to call my sweet family and talk to them about how I've been doing and they are my biggest support. I'm so thankful for them. I love my family and who they are to me.

*Tuesday, March 29:

We had District Council on the Temple grounds! was cold. Haha, shortly after we sat in the bone-chilling cold we moved to the Wildwood building to warm up. We were having silly goose mishaps left and right. Sister Ravsten stepped off a ledge and sprained her ankle!!

So Sister Ravsten and I spent the rest of the day in our apartment. And our members are the best! One family brought us dinner, and another crutches!

*Wednesday, March 30:

Poor Sister Ravsten. She had to elevate her ankle all day so we spent the day in the apartment. We kept ourselves busy though. We got to meet with Machel, Jayden, and her husband Jon who we've never met before! When we sat down, Machel goes, "Now I know you have a lesson planned, but we were hoping you could tell Jayden more about Baptism and what it is." Ummm yes!!!! So we helped Jayden understand and after the lesson he goes, "Okay I want to be Baptized!" We are hoping to put them on date really soon! Please pray for the Kaufmanns! We love them with our whole hearts!

*Thursday, March 31:

Another day of isolation haha. Sister Ravsten had to rest her ankle all day.

But we got to go to Jayden's DARE program to support! It was awesome. I forgot about DARE and how fun it was haha.

*Friday, April 1:

Happy April! We got out and about and went to this delicious Greek place where we ate the yummiest gyros!

We got to do weekly planning at the cutest Washington Library.

We ate dinner with the Albretsens and guess what we had? More gyros! Haha they were delicious.

We got to meet with one of our friends and gave a great Restoration lesson! As we were sitting there discussing, I thought to myself, "Hold on a second...I'm a missionary?!" Haha, I still can't believe that this is my life. It's one where you hear about but never think it will happen to you, until it does...and it's better than anything you could've dreamed of!

*Saturday, April 2:

By far a day that will go down as one of my favorites as a missionary. Not kidding when I say, it was better than Christmas!

Why, you ask? General Conference!!!!

We got to go to the mission home for the morning session.

We got to watch the second session with Bishop and Aleyna. They're the best.

And we watched the Women's Session with the STLs!

*Sunday, April 3:

Happy Birthday Whitney!!

We watched the first session of conference with a family in the Rockwood Sisters' Ward. And it turns out our families know mutual people! God is so cool. But it was so nice. We sat and did a puzzle while we listened and it was perfect.

We went to the Ezells for the evening session!

Every talk is inspired of God. He is in the details. My prayers were answered and now I get the chance to ACT on the revelation I received!

*Monday, April 4:

Proselyting Monday! Woo-hoo! Haha, for some reason these days are HARD! But it was good. We had a good meeting with Machel, Jon, and Jayden. Jon talked about his trucking experiences which made me think of all my trips with my dad and brothers on the semi!


Watching General Conference, I received so many answers to the questions I've been pondering. I know that Heavenly Father is in control of the details in our lives, and that His plan and purpose for us is so glorious and wonderful. He knew exactly what I needed to hear so that I could learn, progress, and act. And guess what? It's the exact same for you! He understands what you're going through better than you do.

We got to hear a lot of talks on missions and missionary work. I felt so excited that they were talking about ME and US (for you fellow missionaries!) It was the most special message to hear: I am part of the Gathering of Israel - the greatest work I could possibly be doing.

Yes, missions have hard moments, but they are FUN and JOYFUL and so incredibly great! There is so much good in every day. We are all so unbelievably blessed in so many ways!

If a mission even crosses your mind, go! You will never regret serving the Lord!!! Also, when can you do this again while you're young and single? NEVER! The Church is True!

♥, Sister Hansen


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