
November 20, 2017




Sister Rawlinson

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic week !

This week was pretty good:) We got to help in a cute little ladies yard a few times. Why? Because they wind is a bit crazy here and there is about 20 billion leaves on the trees here and then times that by 1 million trees and basically leaves are constantly falling everywhere. But it has been a lot of fun helping her out.

So funny story... Don't know if I have shared something similar before so if I have I am sorry. I honestly cant remember what I write about each week haha! So for some reason people love giving us food and so this is just an example. We were out tracting last night and we ran into this one lady. She was not interested at all but she kept talking for us. And soon enough she was giving us crackers. I don't know why people feel the need to give us food 24/7 but its hilarious.

This week we had zone conference down in Owego. We always pass the mini golf place that has a pink elephant so here is a picture lol. During zone conference we talked about Light the World!!! I am so stoked for Christmas! Last week we got a package from Sister Rawlinsons mom who sent us Christmas hats. So we know have decided to wear them every single night until Christmas. The Christmas season is around the corner and I have never been so excited. I hope that as you start to get ready for Christmas that you remember the true meaning: Christ. WE often tend to forget how we are celebrating him. So as Light the world starts in the upcoming weeks I invite you all to join in! I can promise you that as you help Light the World you will be able to share Christ love with people who may not have it in their lives right now. You are all amazing and have been such example to me so keep sharing that light!

I love you all! Have a dandy week this week!

Love Sister Keller

Here is a quote to ponder about this week: " The simple secret is this, put your trust in the Lord, do your best, and then leave the rest to Him." - Elder Robert D. Hales


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