
May 30, 2016




Sister Dias


Hello and Good morning! :)

So this week was good! My last week in Suzano! Yesterday we found out that i would be Transferred to a new area, Vila Matilde. After almost eight months here in Suzano, i am finally leaving. I am a bit sad because this is the best area and ward, but at the same time it will be good to meet new people and grow. Change is always good for growing.

This week we worked a lot with Carlos, a man that we are teaching, and Yesterday he was Baptized! It was amazing! He is such a great old man that has such a sweet spirit about him. He was an elect. He was just waiting for someone to find him and help him Come Unto Christ. He was prepared by the Lord. I know this. It was a good Baptismal meeting and there were quite a few members there supporting us. Carlos is an example to all of us. I think he has been reading the Book of Mormon for two weeks now, and he is already finishing Alma!! Can you believe that? I am so grateful that i had the chance to meet him and teach him before leaving.

This week we said bye to a bunch of the members and that was difficult. I love Suzano so much. All of the members here are marvelous! I am so grateful for their love and example and help and testimonies.

We had Dudu's birthday party this week and that was super fun! It turned out awesome! Super fun! It was Minions themed and the cake was AWESOME!! i loved it! And so did Dudu! It looked like a real Minion!

Douglas is also doing well. He is progressing slowly, but is progressing. He is a great man!

We didn't do that much this week, or we did so much that i don't even know what to say haha! But it is a great opportunity to be here on the mission serving the Lord and sharing this sacred message.

That is all that i have for this week, sorry it was so short. Have an awesome week! I love you all! :D

Love Always,

Sister Kinnaman :)


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