March 28, 2016
Sister Dias
Juliana & Miracles
Hello there fellow Americans! Happy Easter! Hope you all had an amazing day celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior and remembering all that He did for us. My Sunday we amazing!! So this last week was one of my favorites here in the Mission. I will try my best to write everything that happened and hope that it all makes sense!
Monday we spent the day buying some things that Sister Dias was needing, and the rest of the day with Juliana! :) We made a cake for our District Leader becuase his birthday was the next day, and lets just say that next time, i will add the milk! haha!! Sister Dias added WAY too much milk and it was like water! But it was super funny! We had a good laugh because of it! But it tunred out well in the end!
Tuesday we had our Didtrict meeting in Brás Cubas and that is alwasy good! :) This day was a bit difficult for us, but we made it through. It is really difficult when we recieve references, and we take time to go that house, but it doesnt exist when we get to the street. But its okay, its all part of the misson right? We just have to stay positive! :) This is the day that i realized that Heavenly Father listened to my prayesrs, and gave me Sister Dias as a companion. She is exactly what i was needing at this moment,and I am so grateful for the reassurance i had that Heavenly Father loves me and listens to me, even in the little things.
Wednesday, was quite the day!! We did some service for the Relief Society sisters and we helped prepare a goody for Sunday for all of the Women in the ward. It was a notebook that we wrapped in fabric and it turned out super cute! That night when we got home, let me tell you we had some exercise! So here is what happened, we were in our room and i waked out and then came back a few min later and just stared in unbelief at the wall that is next to my bed. Sister Dias looked at me like i was crazy and looked at what i was looking at and then she screamed!! There was GIANT Barata (cocaroach) on the wall next to my bed!! She is extremely afraid of them i found out! haha!! So that is when the game began! Yes, we went cocaroach hunting!! haha!! We chased that stinker around our room for about 45 min! He kept hiding in places and we lost him, and then found him again! And the times that he charged at us, we ran screaming into our hallway Haha!! It was hilarious! I was almost on the floor laughing becuase of how afraid Sister Dias is of bugs! Oh how i love her!! Haha! :) So theat was a fun night!
Thursday, was one of the best days of my life as a missionary (and i think in my life in general). This day was the day that Juliana and Amilton were getting married!!! yay! Finally the day arrived! And also the day that Juliana would be baptized :) So that morning we went to the Cartório, and they were finally called back into the room for the ceremony, and Sister Nogueira hadnt arrived yet (because her new area is super far away), but they called, so we had to go. So we get back there and the ceremony starts. Ends up that there was a problem with their names. Amilton's last name is "Florentino" but all of the paperwork had the name "Florentinio".... so we had to stop the wedding and they had to think about what to. After a few min they decided to just go with it because there wasnt anything they could do! So we went back into the room and started everything again and then Julianas phone rang and i knew that it was Sis N, so i ran out to the door and saw that she was there and we all ran back into the room! It was perfect because they arrived just in time to see everytning! What a blessing! The first miracle of the day! haha! We had lunch with Ju and her family and then we went back home and studided and got ready for the Baptism. We met our District Leader and his comp at the Church building and brought them to Ju's house. We all talked for a bit and then she had her Interview with Elder Miranda that has to happen before someone can be baptized. We noticed that Elder Miranda changed a little bit, he wasnt completely himself, and Ju said that he was super serious during the interview, and that isnt like Elder Miranda to be like that. We just shrugged it off and dint think much of it. Afther that Sister Dias and I went to the Church Building to get everything ready for her Baptism. Finally everyone showed up! And as in everyone, it was Sister Dias, me, Sis Nogueira, Sis Araujo, Elder Miranda, Elder Ewerton, Irmã Eliane, Irmã Angelica, and Irmão André. There werent a lot of people, but that is because Ju didnt want a lot of people there. But in the end, it turned out more spititual that way. So we started the Program for her Baptism and sang a song, said a prayer, and i shared a small message about Faith. When i was looking at her in all white, icould only imagine her in the Temple, using all white. It was an unforgettable image. Then the most important part. She entered the waters of Baptism. When she entered and Irmão André started to say the words for Baptism, the Spirit was so strong. It was amazing. I could feel the power of his words and I knew that what Ju was doing was the start to a new life for her and her family. Once she came back Irmã Angelica talked a bit, and then Elder Miranda asked if he could say something. So of course we said yes! He went up to the front and started to share an experience with us. He said that before he left for the mission, he had a dream, and in that dream, he saw Juliana. He started to tear up a bit and i know that it was because of the Spirit. He shared my favorite scripture, 2 Nefi 31:20. And he talked about how he knew that he is the right place and that he knows that he wasnt meeting Juliana for the first time today. It was such a neat experience that we all shared this night. I know that Ju made the right choice and there is no way that anybody that was there that night could deny the Spirit thay they felt testifying of the trughfullness of Elder Miranda's words. I am etenally grateful for the opportunity i have had to be a part of Julianas life and help her come to know the Savior and our Heavenly Father more :) These are the moments that everything becomes worth it. All of the hard times and moments of pain and sorrow and suffering and rejection, all become worth it to see the life of someone you have come to love, change becuase of the Gospel. I know that Juliana will be a Grand Example in the church and will do many things for the Kingdom of Heavelny Father to grow here on the Earth.
Friday we had a lunch with Ju and Amilton and all of their family celebrating the wedding! :) We visisted Savine this day and he is just awesome and happy as can be! It rained SUPER hard while we were at his house! We looked out the window and couldnt even see the other side of the street! When we were saying our companion prayer before bed, we ended up laughing uncontolably at nothing because we were so tired! haha! It is great to laugh! :)
Saturday we walked a ton and we both unded up getting burned even though we were using sunscreen!! We found out today that Amilton, Juliana's husband, is wanting to be baptized as well! How amazing! He is preparing to be baptized and has the desire to become better! We ar really excited to work with him in preparation for baptism! :)
And Sunday! Easter Sunday! This was was amazing!! Ju was wearing all white again! She wore white for her wedding, her baptism, and now to recieve the Gift of the Holy Chost. :) It was so special! She has a different glow about her now and it is amazing to see how happy she is and to see her family all together at church. :) She shared ther testimony and i think she had the entire ward crying! It was so powerful! I love her so much and once again am so grateful to be a part of her life and her story. She is a great example to me. We had lunch with Irmã Josefa and that was great as always! She made a chocolate heart for us that was filled with passionfruit filling! Maracujá! it was delish!! :) I love this ward so much and am so grateful for all of the love and support that they give us! :) I know that Christ lives again and I love my Savior.
And that was our week! Unil next week! :) Love you all!
Love Always,
Sister Kinnaman :)