
February 29, 2016




Sister Nogueira

Leap Day!!

Happy Leap Day!! It will only happen in another fjour years! Wowzers! ANyways, happy leap day! Hop like a bunny! :P haha!

This week was great! Yesterday we had another Baptism! :) Savine! He is an amazing man!! I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to bring the Gospel into his life! He calls us his Fairygodmothers! haha! He has recieved a strong testimony of the Gospel and i am so excited to see him progress even more! I love seeing every day how the Gospel really changes the lives of people and fills the hole that people have that they dont even know they have. The Gospel can help anybody in any situation and i am so grateful for that. I love this Gospel and i know that this is the Restored Church of Jesus Christ :)

Yesterday i went to the hospital becuase i am having some problems with my stomach, but all is well! It is nothing too serious and i am taking some medicine now to see if it will help me! :) So nobody worry! I am perfectly fine! And a shout out to Larissa and Derek that stayed with us yesterday! You guys are the best!! Thank you again!

I am oficially 20 now!! I am not a teenager anymore! What happened?! Thank you to everyone for all of the Birthday wishes! I absolutely loved them! :) They make it a little bit easier to be far from home. It was a good day! Definately super diiferent without my family and close friends, but it was still good! I spent it with my family here in Brasil! Our lunch was with our favoritest members!! Irmã Fanny and Karine!! They made some beans that i love and they had cake and it was just awesome! I love them so much! Juliana, one of our investigators that is also like faimly, made a cake for me! She is so great! I am so grateful for all of the people that took care of me here on my Birthday.

We had a Family Home Evening this week with the ward members too and it was amazing and so spiritual! Everyone shared an experience when they felt the spirit or the Blessings of the Lord in their life. After they shared it, they gave it a number and we made a graph of everyones experience. Irmão André related it to our life and how there is always a blessing that we have in our life and the spirit, but sometimes the "number"(intensity) will be different. But it is really up to us what the number is becuase the Lord has promised to alwyas be by our side. So it us that needs to do our part to always remember and recognize the blessings and become closer to our Heavenly Father. (I hope that it makes at least a little bit of sense, becuase it is much easier to explain talking, and in Portuguese!) But it is so true. So ask yourseleves, "What can i do to better recognize the Lord in my life?"

And that was basically my week! It was a good one! I love serving the Lord and my brothers and sisters every single day. I liked a phrase that one of the people who spoke in church said yesterday. He is from the Stake, but i dont remember his name! Anyways, he said that the mission is our only opportunity in life to give 100% tithing. What a privelege that is! I am so grateful for this time to serve with everything that i can!

Sister Kinnaman :)


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