
January 18, 2016




Sister Nogueira

Week 28 ?? I've lost count ;)

Good morning!! :)

So this week has been a big blur! I can harldy remember all that happened! So i will try my best to count everything that happened! :)

This week we taught a friend of one of our recent converts, Erica! Her name is Monique and she is amazing!! I cant even say in words how prepared she is! She helped me understand that there really are people that are ready and waiting and looking to become closer to their Savior. To make Sacred Covenants with Heavenly Father. Monique is one of those people. She is great! We taught her this week and the first lesson is the Restoration. She loved it. She thought that we didnt believe in the Bible, but of course we believe in the Bible! It is a sacred record of the Prophets called by God. And the Book of Mormon is the same thing. It is anther Testament of Jesus Christ. She knew in the moment that we were teaching that what we were testifying of, was true. She felt the Spirit. It was really neat becuase after we invited her to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone who has the Priesthood, and she accepted, she said that she had come into the lesson with assurety that she would say no. She already knew that we would invite her to be baptized, and she was set on saying no. But she said that she couldnt deny what she was feeling and she said that she is certain that this is true. It was so neat to see how the Lord really can touch the hearts of people and how he prepares people. I am so grateful to be a first hand witness of this. I am so grateful that we met Monique and have had the opportunity to help her prepare to make this sacred covenant with her Father in Heaven. She already has her heart set on serving a mission. I am so happy for her!! It is amazing how much we can love these people with not even knowing them for very long. I think it is one of the blessings of the mission, experiencing a little bit of the love that our Savior has for each and every one of us.

This week we taught the lady that showed up at the church last week, and she also accepted Baptism, and she is super excited to learn more about the Gospel! She has been looking for the right church for years now and she is sure that she has finally found it. She came to church yesterday, and she absolutely loved it! She is also one that is elect and prepared!

We are teaching a man as well, Salvine, and he is also amazing! He thought that we adore Josepth Smith as a God and that we didnt beleive in the Bible. I am so grateful that we are able to help him understand the truth of what we believe. We explained to him about the Restoration and how Josepth Smith helped to restore the Church of Jesus Christ and that we only Worship God. I can testify of these things right now. That we beleive in God, the Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. That Jesus Christ lives and is the head of our Church today. Salvine understood all that we were teaching and he too accepted to follow the example of the Savior and be baptized. It is amazing the power of the Spirit that can help with understanding and gaining a testimony.

Sorry if most of this doesnt make sense, but i felt like i needed to say these things. To all of my friends and family out there who are not Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my inviation for you is to investigate a little bit more about the Church. Talk with the missionaries in your area!! They will be more that happy to explain and help answer the questions you have! I know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, the true church. The Gospel can help each and every one of us have more peace and happiness and come to know our Savior better.
I share these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

The weather is crazy like always here! It has been super hot and cold this last week! Not much else has happened! We have just been teaching like crazy! it is wonderful!! Have a great week my family and friends!

With all of my Love,
Sister Kinnaman :)


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