
January 11, 2016




Sister Nogueira

6 Meses!!

Hello! Happy Six months to me!! Can you believe it?? It has already been six months since i left for Brasil! I know that i harldy believe it! It has gone by super fast! There has been a lot to do! It has been a difficult 6 months, but a very great 6 months. I have learned a whole lot!

So this week not much happened becuase Sister Nogueira and I have been a bit sick... But we are better now! Well, i am still a bit sick, but it will pass! :)

This morning we had a giant waterbaloon fight with the youth of the ward! A large part of our recent converts are converts are youth, plus, we are just kids with a little bit more age! haha! Just kids at heart! That was a blast! We had some investigators there too! And of course the day that we want it to be hot to play with water, it is cold and rainy! But that didnt stop us! We had the fight anyway! Oh how I love the youth! I love this ward so much!
We had a really neat experience today! We were at the Church waiting for everyone to show up, and we still had about 30 min until the established time. We were just there super early! Then we heard someone at the gate and it was Bishop Rafeal! He came in and told us that there was a woman who wanted to know more about the church! So we practically ran outside to talk with her! We talked with her for a minute and then asked if she would like to tour the building! So we showed here around the church building and all of the classrooms, and the last place we showed her, was the Chapel. We entered there and explained why we only had Church on Sundays (because here it is very normal to have church any day of the week at any time) and then i asked her what she looks for in a church. She responded "Peace" and then i said that She really can feel that here and then she started to cry and said "I am feeling it right now." I am so grateful that she stopped to look at the Church and that Bishop asked her if she knew about the church. She is super excited to come on Sunday and we are going to visit her before then too! It really was a miracle! We talked with Bishop afterwards, and he said that he saw her looking at the church, but passed her. But then he felt the spirit tell him to go back and talk with her. So he did :) How i am so grateful for the promptings of the Spirit and courage that Bishop had to follow the prompting. These are the moments that make everything worth it. All of the sadness and pain and difficult times, are worth it when we have the chance to help another person find their way when they are lost. To help them truly come to konw their Savior and His Restored Gospel.
This last week not a whole lot happened, other than almost dying becuase of the sun! haha! It has been super hot, but we are surviving for now!
OH! I have a funny story! My family will enjoy this and you guys wont have any trouble believing that it really happened! So yesterday we were walking and it was raining and it had been raining for a few hours. The streets were all flooded and there were mini rivers in the streets! Anyways, we were walking and there was a little piece of thin wood on the ground and i saw it, but didnt think it would do any harm to step on it. We were talking and then all of a sudden when i stepped on it, i slipped and fell backwards righ on my backside and landed on my arm!! I fell hard!! But i just started cracking up!! It was so funny! And guess what was the first thing that crossed my mind when i was falling? My shirt was white and i didnt want it to get dirty!! haha!! IT was super funny! Maybe it was one of those "Had to be there" moments, but i wanted to share this with you guys! Just becuae i like to make people laugh! So that was the first time that i fell here in the mission!! And, sadly, it probably wont be the last time!
So that was my week family and friends! :) Miracles happen everyday, sometimes we just have to pray to have the eyes to see them :)

Sister Kinnaman :)


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