
November 23, 2015




Sister Nogueira


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I so wish that I could be there with all of you for this amazing Holiday!! They dont celebrate it here in Brazil! So enjoy the day of thanks, and really think about all of the Blessing that we have from God. It is more than we can count!

This week passed so fast! Like always! We had a District meeting and i had to give a training! I dont know how good it was, but I gave it my all! haha! We have an awesome District Leader! And an awesome Zone! The best in the Mission if you ask me! ;) Haha!

We are walking so much here in Suzano! We have two Baptisms for this Sunday, Klebber and Anderson! They are awesome!! Anderson is 17 and Klebber is 22! They are both progressing and I love to see them as they gain a Testimony of the Gospel more and more every time we see them! Klebber started out not praying, and now he prays every lesson! And Anderson is just great! He went to the Baile that the Church had, and he loved it! We are really excited to see them Baptized and make this important Covenant with Heavenly Father. The only thing is, we are chekcking in on them and teaching them every day. And they live on opposite sides of the town. And we only have two feet to get us there! 4 between the two of us! haha! But it is most definately worth it. Without a doubt. I would like to invite each of you to pray for these two Rapazes (that is what they call men who are young) this week as they prepare for Baptism. Thank you very very much! I appreciate it!

Oh, we did divisions this week and I went to an area called "Itaquaquecetuba" haha! Have fun saying that my friends! Anyways, i had my hair in a briad to the side, and i got burned burned burned on my neck!! It was extrememly hot that day! But i am blessed becuae it doesnt hurt that much. I am so grateful for that! I am definately getting more tan everyday! It is great! haha! Sometimes i dont recognize my own arms!! haha!!

One thing that was really neat this week was with Klebber. He didnt have a habit of praying everyday and didnt know if he was ready to be baptized, so we invited him to start praying everyday and to ask some specific questions such as if O Livro de Mórmon is true, if he needs to be baptized, etc... The following day, we went to his house and asked him if he prayed and he had, and siad that he knew that he was ready to be baptized. How marvelous? What a blessing! I am so grateful for the gift of prayer that we have. To be able to talk directly with our Father in Heaven. What a grand blessing that is :)

One more thing, we got called Satan this week! So that was fun! haha! It was definately an interesting situation! But all is well! I know that we are Representatives of Jesus Christ and that we are doing his work. :) We just laughed becuase we couldnt believe that it actually happened!

Anyways, that is my letter for the week! Sorry that it isnt much, but it is all i have time to write! I love you all! have an awesome Holiday for Thanksgiving! Eat some pie for me!!

Sister Kinnaman :)


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