
October 19, 2015


Nova Cidade


Sister Campos

Week 15

Hello Again!

This week has been good! The time is seriously going by so super fast! I cannot believe that it has been almost 4 months already! It´s madness! But a good madness :)

So this last Saturday we had a Baptism! It was Carlos! The man that got married the weekend before! It was a great Baptism! He is an amazing Guy and we are so happy for him! There were only 14 people there including us, him and his wife, Bishop, and the Irmão that Baptized him! BUt, nonetheless it was great! It was my first Baptism, so it was extra special for me! And I attached a photo, so i hope it works! There was also a Baptism yesterday, Sunday, of a little 8 yr old boy in our ward, who is also named Carlos! haha! That was also a great experience!

This week we had Divisions, which is one of our responsiblities as Sister Training Leaders and that was good! It is where we trade companions for 24 hours! So i went to another area with another Sister for a day! It was a strange feeling to be in another area! It was also strange that there were no hills! It was all flat! What a concept! You could actually see the end of the street without having to lift your head up! It was a nice little break from the hills! But, i was super happy to be back in my area with Sister Campos the next day! She is my favorite!

Saturday the water went out. The water situation here is a bit different than in the United States! Here in Nova Cdade, we have water for one day, and then two without. But we have a caixa of water that we use for those two days, and if you use all of the water in the caixa in those two days, you have no water! So Saturday was supposed to be Dia de Água, but it never came!! So we had no water for that day. It wasnt too terrible, but we sure were praying that it would just come a day late! And thank goodness, it did come on Sunday! :) I have heard some stories where it didnt come for quite some time! I am praying that that doesnt happen with us!

This week I have been reading "Jesus the Christ" and I encourage all of you to read it. I dont know why i havent read it before right now in my life. It is an amazing book all about the Savior, literally all things, it talks about and explains. This morning i studied about the name of the Savior and that was really neat. I encourage you all to study a bit more about it. It was extra special for me becuase I wear His name every single day as a missionary and I am representing Him everyday as well.

Well that is all for this week my Loves! Not a whole lot, sorry. But I am still alive and that is what counts right? Haha! Have a fantastic week! I love you!

Love Always,

Sister Kinnaman :)


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