August 18, 2015
Nova Cidade
Sister Campos
First District
Dear Family and Friends,
First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!!! I love you so much and I hope that the Best Brother ever has an amazing 17th Birthday!!
Well hello there! Sorry for no email last week, but i didnt have a P-Day last week! Que Triste! This week has been amazing! Super Busy, and full of emotions, but great! Last week we made a poster for our teacher in the CTM becuase he was sick and couldnt be there the whole last week with us, so we painted our hands and did the Star Trek hand thing for "Live Long and Prosper" because he always did that! But, little did we know that the paint would not come off of our hands!!! hha! it was hilarious! If the pictures work, there are some on there!
So the night before i left the CTM for the field, i got four hours of sleep! Needless to say the next day was a long one!
So my Area now is Nova Cidade! It is am amazing place! It is on the poor end, but that doesnt matter! I love it! It is this whole large area, and just My Companion and me!
My new Compamion is Sister Campos and she is amazing! She is from Chile and has been out for one year! She is great! She helps me so much and has so much patience with me! I love her!
The language is coming. I can understand a WHOLE lot more than i can speak, but thats okay! I know it will come in time! The people are so kind and loving and patient with me! They love that fact that i am from america! haha! Especially the elderly! They are so cute!
Honestly, this is just where i needed to be. So far, the people and the members have helped me more i think than i have helped them! There are so many people here in one little city!
One family that is very special to me, is Ramon and Jessica and their two girls Ana and Maria. They are truly amazing people. Ramon was baptized three weeks ago and this last Sunday, he was able to Bless the Sacrament, which was a big deal for him. If have time more time next week, i will tell a little more about thier life, but i dont have the time this week. But i know that he knows His Savior, and he loves his family. The power of the Atonement is real. I know this. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to be here in Brazil serving the Lord and helping these people Come Unto Christ. I love my Savior and know that He Lives and that He loves me and every one of you!
There are so many things i want to tell you guys, but there isnt much time left this week, but know that i think about you all often and pray for you often! Thank you for the love and support from all of you! It means more to you than you will ever know!
Keep reading the scriptures and saying your prayers! Do the little things, for this is what brings the most power in your life! I love you guys!
Com Amor,
Sister Kinnaman :)