
August 9, 2015



Sister Walker

Week.....I already lost count!

Greetings from Brazil!

So this last week has honestly gone by SO fast! I still cannot believe that it has been a week alrady! I feel like we just had P-Day and i just got to email! But it is a blessing! I am so grateful for the time that i have here to give my whole heart to the Lord. I look forward to going out into the field in about 10 days! I am still blown away by that as well! I am still not fluent by ANY means! I can talk about the Gospel pretty well, but when it comes to normal conversation...I am in a bit of trouble... haha! But it is all good, i know that the Lord will bless me and help me. The Power of Prayer is so strong. I absolutely love praying! I couldnt even tell you how many times a day i pray! But i love it so much! It brings me so much peace and comfort and so much closer to the Savior and Heavenly Father. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers as well, they really do help me. The spriptures are the same! I love love love the Scriptures and love studying them! They are amazing! And not that i didnt know that before, but i have a strenghtened testimony of them for sure.
So our "pesquisadora" Jennifer (who is really my instructor) is getting Baptized tomorrow! Yay! haha! It has been so neat to learn how to teach and grow.
Once agan, can i just say that i have the Best District ever?! They are truly so amazing! This last Tuesday after Devotional, we had a District meeting and we talked about the Devotional and it was so neat to see what everone got out of it and how we can apply it to the life of a missionary! One talk was on How to Feel and REcognize the Holy Ghost, and in this talk Sis. Hale talked about how if it is good, then it is of God, so if it is good and you dont know, just do it! It wont hurt anything! (sorry if that doesnt make sense, i didnt bring my notes to the computer lab..) And Elder Hale spoke about Pioneers and History! We learned how we are like Pioneers in our life and in our Missions and how we can have strength Like the Pioneers and have the faith of them as well. We also got to learn some history about Brazil and that was awesome too! My District also decided that i look like a Disney Princess on a daily basis! haha! And they say that i look like Jane from Tarzan! Hah! Oh how they make me laugh! We all love to laugh and always makes it fun! This week we had an English fast from Monday to Yesterday and it was SO difficult, but we learned so much and we really needed it!
One more thing, is last night at the end of Actividad Fisica, we heard what we thought was cowbells or something, and people were standing on their porches hitting them and flashing the lights on and off and on and off! ANd people in cars were honking their horns and people were yelling and we went out to another part of the balcony, and looked out at the city and you could just hear it roar and all over the buildings people were out on their porches and you could see lights flickering all over! It was so weird!! But super otimo at the same timw!! I feel like i actually experienced a bit of Brazil now!! It was wonderful!
Well, only one more P-Day in the CTM! I love you and am so grateful for all of the support and love!
Sister Kinnaman


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