
July 8, 2015



Sister Walker

I Made It!

Hey there mom and dad! Well i made it to Brazil!! WHOO HOO!!!
It is amazing here! I love it already! I cannot wait to get out and see the city and explore and meet the people! Sorry i didt call you in Atlanta, i looked for a payphone and even asked the information desk if they had any, but they said that they dont have any in the whole airport!! That airport was HUGE! It was a really easy transfer to Terminal F where the international flight was. I walked up to gate 12 and what do you know, there were already 4 other missionarys there waiting! They were all boys haha, but its good. They are all really nice and from all over the US! I went to get some food, but the place i went was out of everything i asked for! haha! So i just pulled out my pretzels! By the time the flight was boarding, there 12 of us missionaries!! And i was worried about not having anybody!! Boy was i wrong! There are four Sister Missionaries, and they are all awesome! When we got on the plane, which was also huge, we were all seated sporadically. I ended up in the side aisle that has two seats, all by my lonesome! It was really nice to be able to strech out and not worry about bothering the person next to me. I was assigned the aisle seat but ended up moving to the window seat so i could see out the window! It was beautiful! I got some really cool pictures! I wont be able to download them on the CTM computers, but hopefully i will be able to get them to you sometime! I didnt get hardly any sleep on the plane...just a few 15 minute naps. They served us dinner and thank goodness they had blankets!! It was freezing! When we got inot Sao Paulo, we got out and walked a long ways until we got to customs or something,(I cant remember what its called) and they checked our passports and departure/arrival papers and all 12 of us made it through! It was probably pretty funny to see all of us missionaries together looking around like lost dogs not knowing where we were going or what we were doing! It was fun noetheless and we made it! We grabbed all of our luggage and then walked right through the other place where they randomly select you to check your bags. There was a lady who had a sign that said "LDS Missionaries" and she told us to put all of our stuff aside and let her see our passports! We had to be so trusting of this lady! But it all worked out! The drive from the airport was really neat! We got to see a bit of Sao Paulo and it was awesome! The drivers are crazy! Especially the ones on motorcycles!! They weave in and out of everywhere! I could not believe that there was no accidents anywhere! The MTC is awesome and Sister Hales greeted us when we walked in and she is so sweet! She told us sisterst that she was going to be our Mom/Grandma! My companion is Sister Walker and she is awesome! She is from Seattle Washington! We hanvent met our other roommates yet, but we were told they would most likely be Brazilian! So that will be awesome! The weather is great here! i love it! It is actually a bit chilly! And its rainy! It is so wonderful here!! We had time to shower and take a nap before we came to the computers too! We are going to have lunch and meet the President next! Bro. Hales says that my P-Day will be either Wednesday or Friday next week so keep a look out! I cant wait to hear from you guys and how things are going! I love it hear and cannot wiat to learn the language! I love you guys SO much!! Thank you for everything! have a great week! I still cannot believe that i am in Brazil!! It just isnt real yet! We have a great view from our room too! The CTM is so cool abeacuse you walk down a hallway, and then suddenly you are outside! Awesome! \okay, love you guys!! (Sorry if there are any typos or weird symbols, their keyboards are different and Im trying to get used to it!!) Love you!!

1 comment
Lindsay Kinnaman says:
Yay! Love you!!
on July 17, 2015

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