
December 12, 2022


Battambang, Cambodia


Sister Lim

Jesus is a Gift

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is my 6 months… I can't believe how fast its been! I felt really happy this week and we were able to get out and meet with a lot of people which was definitely a blessing from God!

I am thankful for the challenge from our Mission President to memorize the Living Christ. I haven't been very good about it but I love focusing on the Savior during my studies. This is a part of the Living Christ I really like:
"Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."

I am so grateful for the gift that Jesus Christ is in my life. I know he was born, he died for me, and he lives again. This Christmas time I am going to try and focus on trying to become a bit more Christlike toward my brothers and sisters around me. Because I know Christ loves them just as much as he loves me and he understands them in a way I never could.

Love you all, enjoy life!
Sister Tingey សីស្ទើរធីងងី

This nice security guard gave me and Sister Tran cute hairclips and was practicing his english with us!
Ming សោភ័ន
Making banana bread and cookies with the youth
Doing service with a two person saw
Tried some pig brain soup


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