
June 10, 2024


Santo Domingo,,Dominican Republic


Quincy Allred

??paz, calmense

 Hey guys no time to write this week but here's a talk I gave on Sunday!!! Love you all!!
As everyone knows, we are entering into cyclone season and have recently received lots of rain. Luckily, we have weather apps and services that help prepare us in advance to receive these oncoming hurricanes and floods. With the knowledge of upcoming storms, we are given time to buy supplies and prepare our homes to be able to endure whatever storm that may come our way. Just as we receive these rainstorms and natural disasters physically, we also experience spiritual trials and torments that can cause destruction and heartbreak in our lives. Although we never know when these spiritual storms come, we do have resources that can act as a spiritual weather app to help prepare us be able to withstand any and all trials and temptations. Today I want to talk about these spiritual tools we all must use, to overcome our own personal torments in life. 
The first tool that we have is our own personal faith. As we become more converted to the Savior, we will become stronger to withstand the temptations of the world around us. What does it mean to have faith? Is it as simple as just believing? In Alma chapter 24, the pueblo of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies showed a remarkable amount of faith when they made a promise to God that they would never raise a sword against their brethren again. Although the Laminite army began to persecute this people, they stuck to their covenant with God to never shed blood again. After years of fighting, they all decided that their faith and commitment to God was greater than defending their very own lives. Faith is more than just a simple belief. It is a deep love for God and a willingness to act on what you believe. As we maintain our faith, we will be provided with a stable foundation during raging storms that would otherwise cause us to fall. 
Our second tool is the gift of the Holy Ghost. God has graciously granted us the ability to receive the Holy Ghost to accompany us throughout life. The spirit has blessed my life in innumerable ways and today I would like to share with you a personal experience of how I have been able to use this tool. Shortly after I began my mission, my sister announced to me that she was pregnant. The joy and excitement I had for this baby was overwhelming. I counted it as one of the many blessings my family had received during my missionary service. Then one day a couple months later, I felt the impression to study many talks about trials. As I studied these talks and scriptures, I felt so much peace. Just as I had finished studying a beautiful talk about overcoming hardships, my father sent me a text saying that they had spent the last couple of days in the hospital trying to save my sister's baby, but unfortunately he had passed away. My heart was shattered. One of the biggest blessings in my family had just been so quickly taken away from us. But instead of becoming angry with God, I remembered all of the talks and scriptures that I had just finished reading. They were a great comfort to me and I later realized that thanks to the spiritual impression I received to study these materials, I had been prepared to receive the upsetting news. When we follow impressions from the spirit, we show God that we are willing to listen to Him. As we listen, will be given great comfort and spiritual strength. 
Our third tool Is the word of prophets of old and modern day. Prophets are messengers of God who have the power and authority to share His messages and commandments to all those who will listen. In Doctrine and Covenants section 1 verse 38 testifies of the importance Of listening to the Lords prophets. The scripture says, “38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” The voice of the prophets are absolutely necessary in tumultuous times as these. Just as President Nelson Prepared us all for the Covid 19 pandemic, he will continue preparing us for any unexpected upcoming trials in our lives. As long as we will listen to his words, we will be prepared. I can truly testify the President Nelson is called of God and speaks for Him. 
Our last and most important tool is our Savior and Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate healer and protector. He calms troubled seas and troubled hearts. I love the song “Master the Tempest is Raging” that describes the scene when Christ calmed a very stormy sea. In this song it says, “Master, the tempest is raging!The billows are tossing high!The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness.No shelter or help is nigh.Carest thou not that we perish?How canst thou lie asleepWhen each moment so madly is threat’ningA grave in the angry deep?" Sometimes we may feel that during the hard stormy trials, Christ has abandoned us. It can be hard to feel His hand in our lives steadying the stormy seas. But as the hymn continues, it says, “The winds and the waves shall obey thy will:Peace, be still.

Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea

Or demons or men or whatever it be,

No waters can swallow the ship where lies

The Master of ocean and earth and skies.

They all shall sweetly obey thy will:

Peace, be still; peace, be still.

They all shall sweetly obey thy will:

Peace, peace, be still."

Christ will always be with us trying to calm the storm and trials that we are passing through. We can have full confidence that He is more powerful than any hard time that we have in our lives. In 3 Nephi just before Christ appeared in the Americas, the world went through so much destruction. There were earthquakes and fires, floods and disaster, darkness and fear. Many people had lost family members and homes. In this time of loneliness and darkness, Christ appeared and declared that, “10 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. 11 And behold, I am the light and the life of the world” Christ truly is our light and our strength. He will always And forever lighten our lives when we need Him most. En un discurso se llama Aplomo semejante al de Cristo by elder Mark A. Bragg he testifies that, “It is through Christ and His Atonement that all good things come into our lives. As we remember who we are, knowing that there is a divine plan of mercy and drawing courage in the strength of the Lord, we can do all things. We will find calm. We will be good women and men in any storm.” Thanks to Jesus Christ and His infinite Atonement, We are promised calm and comfort. We must call upon Him to come into our lives and calm the storms. I know my Savior lives and I know He is always these to calm our storms. In the name of Jesus Christ our ultimate comforter, amén. 


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