
July 10, 2023


Santo Domingo,,Dominican Republic


Quincy Allred


Happy pday!!
We had a couple exciting days this week so stay tuned for some small fun stories...
🫡Tuesday was the 4th of July so we partied in our apartment and lit a couple matches to be our sparklers buuuut the wind just blew them right out haha. Afterwards we had a couple color guard presentations by Hermana Bransford and Duran they were super entertaining and actually so good!! 
😋Wednesday we visited one of our favorite member Domingas house and she made us this "super refreshing juice" called "jagua". Pretty much it's this really strange fruit /juice that tastes like mop water mixed with a little Apple juice. Ours was even more special cause we found a couple ants floating around in it. I'd say it definitely was not our favorite but it wasn't the worst thing I've had here 🥲
😘Thursday we went to another part in our area called Catelina and Carreton! On our walk up to Carreton a guagua was speeding down the street with the usual guagua man hanging out the door. (Guagua men work for the guaguas and call out to see if anybody needs a ride and they are also the people you pay to ride. They usually stand halfway out the door so they can collect passengers) Anyways as we were walking, the guagua man blew us the JUICIEST kiss and held out his hand so far that it almost slapped me in the face!! I could literally feel the gust of air from his hand as he flew past us and almost took me out hahaha As he did all this he yelled "TOMA MORMONA"  and we almost died laughing it was so unexpected 😂
❤️ Friday we got to meet our new mission president and his wife!! They were so sweet and I'm so excited to get to know them better and work with them for the next 13 months! Immediately I could feel so much love for them and I know they are exactly the people we need to lead us here in the DR west!! 
*trigger warning for those who hate bugs, don't read this next story*
That night me and hermana B were talking when all the sudden I looked up and saw the HUGEST roach on our bedroom ceiling!! We were pretty chill till it started flying around and then we booked it to the bathroom. When we got up enough courage to get our nasty little friend he was g o n e. We searched and searched the entire house and couldn't find him anywhere!! So we went to bed and just kinda assumed he flew back out the window. Then Saturday was a pretty normal day and after we survived a surprise rainstorm we came home and started getting ready for bed. Me and Hermana B were talking at our desks and Hermana Malone came out of the bathroom and all she could say was "I'm done, I'm done, I'm done" deep down I knew exactly what she was talking about...Once she collected herself and closed the bathroom door she told us that there was a gigantic cokroach on the floor by the toilet me and Hermana B stared at each other in shock cause we had finally found him! All of a sudden Hermana Malone screamed cause somehow the roach had teleported out of the bathroom and onto her FOOT we all screamed as she flung it off and we all, including the roach, started running around. Needless to say we spent the next 20ish minutes trying to catch and kill this lil sucker and eventually it ended with us successfully throwing his dead little body out the window. Moral of the story is all this could've been prevented if we just had screens on our windows😐
The rest of the weekend was awesome and we had an awesome sacrament meeting with a couple of our friends!! All of these little crazy stories make me realize just how protected I am with the Lord. This doesn't mean He's gonna stop bad things and trials from happening!! He's going to help us and strengthen us and in a way, protect us from our trials and our problems. I have a question, why would God take away our trials if that's apart of our purpose on this earth; to experience and learn from and grow from these difficulties?? That just wouldn't make sense, but what DOES make sense is that He will be there for us when we go through these tough spots, like when a huge bug flies around your room and almost lands on you or finding a beetle on your bed everynight this week (literally everyday you guys you wouldnt believe how many I've found). I've experienced some really strange things on my mission but with these experiences and most importantly with my Savior, I have only been made stronger! 2 Nephi 22:2,  "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also has become my salvation"Let's trust in Him and not be afraid because, yes, hard things will happen but lucky for us we have a loving Heavenly Father and a beautiful Savior who will carry us through 🤍
Te amo demasiado!!- hermana whetten 🤟🤟 



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