Happy Halloween!
We went trick or treating! Missionary style.. of course we dressed up! I dressed up as Hermana Gonzolez and she was Hermana Tuttle. ha! We got a bag of candy and on every piece we put either a red, green, or yellow sticker then we went to all the members and had them pick a candy. according to the color on the candy it meant they either had to give us a reference, go out with us, or give out a card. And the catch is they have util next Sunday or they have to give us a bon bon. Not a bad idea right!? Hermana Danella gave us a bon bon right there and then just in case. oh my haha! Most everyone pulled out to go teaching with us yes!! Now we have more help to find people to teach. So it was a good Halloween. Holidays I'm always missing home but we tried to make today fun and we did!
ok so.... what?!!??
Saturday night I got a call from one of the assistance, he asked if I would be a trainer this transfer. I said, uuhh yes…. mostly because I knew It really wasn’t an option Haha I almost said, you know your talking to Hermana chudito…right?…just checking… I’ve not even been a senior companion yet…ahhh!
3 hermanas that were waiting in the usa for visas are coming Wednesday, so Hermana Regalado and I are here in Saldan working until then.. (Hermana wades old comp and area, how fun I got to see her in the terminal this morning) I’m scared but I really don’t have time to be. Good thing I at least have a couple days to find my big girl panties and confidence in myself to know I can do this! :)
I’m Feeling super inadequate thinking of all the hermanas that have more time in the mission and all the hermanas that speak Spanish better than me. How come right now when we don’t even have any investigators. little Oncativo is such a hard area, but I am going to try my best to show her all the things I love about it.. This past transfer has shown me all of my weakness as a missionary.. I was thinking there is no way. Then I remembered all the nights I prayed to know what I need to do to be the missionary my Heavenly Father wants me to be. All the nights I prayed to know how to work with all my heart mind and strength.
He really does answer our prayers…I’m telling you he does! Sometimes in the ways we aren’t expecting it right? Well, what a better opportunity I have to serve with all my heart, might, mind and strength then this transfer.
Yes, I have hard days and yes there are lots of tears and I think lately Ive only givin you snid bits of those times. The other day me and hermana Gonzalez were crying but we were laughing at the same time thinking how is it that this is so hard but we are so happy?!.... and we wouldnt trade it for anything....( I wish you could see me and hermana Gonzalez’s happy dance)....
I loved Hollys letter today she said, it is all worth it! and it really is. All the hard days that are hard and trust me I know there’s many more to come. BUT IT IS ALL WORTH IT!!!
This is going to be a one of a kind week. :) this is my time to prove to my Heavenly father what kind of missionary I am…I couldn’t be more greatful!
I am going to just keep calm and Predicar mi evangelio :) (thanks casey haha I say that all the time)