
December 30, 2019


Izucar, Mexico


Elder Arcze

Feliz Navidad and Bread

Insane to see how another week has come and gone this fast... so many good things happened. My favorite is with Marie. She is the one that sells the shoes out of catalogs. We passed by earlier in the week before the visit to see how it was going with her reading the BOM and if she was praying. She wasn't reading so we taught the introduction of the BOM for an hour and a half haha. She accepted and we returned later in the week. She had read a little and I asked how she felt when she read and when she prayed and she responded, "There was peace and I felt really calm". We explained that's your answer now and it means you get the opportunity to act. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and it went really smooth. The spirit was super strong and we answered all of her questions. We got to the baptismal part and we asked if she had been baptized by someone who has the authority and she said "yes"... so we re-explained the authority and I had a thought to share my line of authority with her that my Grandma Breinholt gave me. We read how it goes down the line from Christ to me. We explained that and then invited her to be baptized by this authority that we hold. She accepted the date on the 18th of Jan and is working with her boss right now to have more time of to assist the activities and church. She is so amazing!

Then, we found a family of 5 while we were out contacting. They are super happy and seem really interested. We put a visit with them in the morning so i told them I'd bring the bread if they brought the juice. We did just that and I love the fam. I hope they can progress and keep the challenges we have given them.

I am super happy with my comp and we are having a really good time. What a blessing it is to work together and to both have a desire to learn and grow.

I also learned a big lesson this week. I had the thought, "How can I expect my investigators to act by faith if I myself can do better?" I'm really working on having true faith rather than just going through the motions.

Love you guys and hope the week went smoothly for you all and that you had a nice Christmas!
Elder Quackenbush

PS...As far as Christmas, the yoyos my mom sent were a hit. My comp had a glove in his box with his yoyo so he showers while he yoyos now... Incredible! I also ponied up and bought a 103 peso Nutella that is giant for my own Christmas. It is my favorite thing and less than half the price here in Acatlan than in Puebla.


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