
October 12, 2015


Arlington 1st Ward


Elder Fullmer

Wait... That is Bright Red! I Hit Your Artery....

Hello familia!

This past week has been a real stressful week for Elder Fullmer and
I. We had jsut finished moving, we had General Confernece so our week
was a little bit off. The plans that we had made for this week also
went out the window and were not as effective as we would have liked.
However we made it through the week and were pretty good. We came out
with a few bumps and bruises, somewhat literally!

I guess I should relieve the anxiety that I am sure mom is feeling
from the title of my email ;) We donated blood on Saturday as a
service project. Well everything was fine until the lady missed my
vein and stuck an artery instead.. I now have a slight bruise on my
arm but it isn't as big as I'd hoped. :/

Transfers are this week and since I have spent sister months in
Arlington, my time is up. I have been assigned to serve in Belton, TX.
I will be white washing (two new missionaries get sent into an area so
neither of us have any idea what the history of the area is) with
Elder Sikaleti. Elder Siakleti has been in Arlington as long as I have
been and he is the new district leader. Our address is:

201 Rabern Court #233
Belton, TX 76513

I have loved to spend the first 1/4 of my mission in Arlington and I
am sad to go but I am excited to go learn a lot with this next
transfer or two!

I am going to follow up with my last email and kinda report back
about what I found. Charity is the pure love of Christ (Moroni 7:47)
and as such it surpasses all understanding and goes well beyond our
capacity to understand (Ephesians 3:18-19). However, we can develop
charity. After all the gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to help us
become like Him. As I was listening to President Uchdtorf's talk from
last weekend entitled "It works wonderfully," I realized that when we
apply the gospel in our lives and as we strive to become more like
Christ we develop the Christlike attribute of Charity. This past week
as I read a letter from a dear friend I was reminded of a truth that I
had subtly trying to make myself forget: the basic answers work, that
is why they are basic. Oddly enough it is the very advice that we give
almost everyone. In short, President Uchtdorf's talk this past General
Confernece showed me the answer that had been in front of my face the
entire time. Charity, love, faith, hope, diligence and the other
Christlike attributes are developed by understanding the gospel and
living it. I also found a scripture this morning actually about this
very topic. I wish that I could remember the reference but I know that
it was either in Mormon or Moroni so maybe one of y'all can study it
and find the answer yourself ;)

I love y'all! I love getting your emails and your pictures and
hearing about what has happened throughout the week. Keep the Faith
and Hurrah for Israel!

Love, your missionary son and brother, Elder Jefferies


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