Hello Everybody!
I hope that you all had a great week! I had a pretty great week, except I almost killed my new companion... Do you want to know how? I will tell you in a minute. First, the news that I got a new companion. His name is Elder Wandry. He is from Highlands Ranch, Colorado, he has been on his misison for 4 1/2 months and he has sandy blonde hair. We have had a great time as companions so far!
So for the first of the week we I was still with Elder Nielson. I think I already told all ya'll about the World Book Day booth, so that was fun. On Wednesday it was just a lot of going around to people's houses and saying goodbyes. Then on Thursday we drove down with some other Elders to transfer meeting down in Manchester, NH. For transfer meeting, everyone in the mission who is getting transfered drives down to Manchester, then switches companions and then heads back out to their areas. So we went down to Manchester and that is always fun and I also got to see all of my last companions, which was so much fun! Then we headed back up to our apartment in Bruswick.
So I guess I better tell ya'll how I almost killed Elder Wandry now. So Elder Nielson, my last companion, was allergic to peanuts. Now Elder Wandry is allergic to tree nuts, and not peanuts. So last night I was going along and I started work my mad chef skills and to make dinner. I asked Elder Wandry if basil pesto chicken pasta sounded good and he said sure. So I get cooking and it was really good and we head over to our appointment with our investigator Justin. Well we were standing in Justin's house and then Elder Wandry just says that he is light headed and asked if he could sit down. Well he was sweating like crazy and I was starting to worry a little bit. Then I sat down too and I started thinking about it and I pretty sure either my thoughts or the spirit said, "You messed up! You fed your companion nuts!" So I had Justin look up the ingredients in the pesto and it wasn't very decisive. So we went home and I went straight to the pesto jar and sure enough it has cashews and pine nuts! So yeah I am trying to kill my companion! So all night long I was worried that he was going to perish, but good news he woke up and is just fine! It is a good start to a great companionship haha!
Well that is all from me this week folks! I love you all and I hope that you have a great week!
Elder Brown
105 Wind Song Ave
Manchester, NH 03104
1-2: We had Zone P-Day last week and we had fun and it was warm!