
January 11, 2019





Hola mis amigos y mi familia.

     EnTAANCES,Sorry you guys just had to throw a little Spanish reference in there🤷‍♂️😂. Holy cow this last week was crazy long😤. It was such a good week tho. I have to update you all on the past week AND A HALF👌 but I leave next Wednesday and so I'm chillin!
    Okay so the first day after my last P day was kinda crazy and up and down. The classes throughout the day were okay and I learned and had fun.... BUUUT that afternoon I had a Skype call teaching thing. I was supposed to be teaching with my companion but then last second they switched it up and I had to teach alone. It was really stressful! I totally panicked and couldn't remember anything I had prepared and my Spanish just died. This dude that I taught was a RM and he went English speaking so he spoke fluently with both and this dude roasts me on my Spanish!! He goes "How long have you been in the MTC?" I reply with, "about 4 weeks" he just goes "oh" and then at the end when I was saying goodbye he goes "I hope your Spanish gets better" In my mind I was like "what the heck?😂😂" But I just replied with "So do I" 😬😂 So that's how my Thursday went🤷‍♂️ BUUUUTTT it got so much better from there. So I had to teach my teacher (who poses as an investigator) and I was seriously discouraged and so I said a couple little prayers asking for help and before Elder Parker and I went in we said another one asking for strength and confidence and it helped so much! My teacher said that was one of our best lessons and I felt so much more confident about Spanish!
      I'm not gonna go through each day and give an overview haha. Buuut the next day was soooo good! My favorite part was definitely when we had a Book of Mormon share as a district and we had to find a Christ-like attribute that we think we need to work on and then find a scripture about it. We each took turns reading the scripture and other people in the district could talk about what attributes they had and excelled with. It was so nice and it was fun to talk about things we all excell in. My companion is seriously the best and when it was my turn he rose his hand way high and talked about "brotherly kindness" and he started tearing up and it just shows how close we have grown together in the past 6 weeks.
      The rest of this week was fun and kinda boring all at the same time. There were little things here and there but this past week I have just been itching to go out in the field! I just can't wait. 
    I just want to let you all know that I love my district! They are all seriously the best. Especially the Hermanas. I'm so happy with how close we have gotten this whole district just feels like a family. So one of the Hermanas has been having a kind of rough week and yesterday was the worst for her. She has been in tears all day and at the end she has another Hermana poke her head in the classroom and pull me out. She is in tears and asks for help and says she needs a blessing and that she asked for me right away. I love how close we all are and that we can all turn to each other for support. We are all like a family and being out here serving and preparing to teach I have learned even more that the gospel really blesses and uplifts families. I just want to end this email by sharing a scripture and my testimony.                      D&C 121:7-8       7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;       8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.
    I know that our Heavenly Father knows each and every one of us. He knows our trials and challenges. He knows what problems we have gone through and will go through in this life and he is there to support us through every part. Sometimes we might not feel him, we might feel alone but I know through experience even just here that we are never truly alone. He can help us as long as we ask! I love this gospel and I love missionary work. I know that this is the only true church on the earth today and that we can all always have the companionship of the Holy Spirit. I know that we can all be exalted on high through our lord and savior Jesus Christ. 
    I love you all and hope you all have a great next week!! Just remember that if you want to email me, do it at 
                   Con mucho amor❤                   -Elder Kartchner


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