We really out here in the middle of nowhere... I love it though! This week was super super quick. We worked with all of the references we found in our book and went out to try to find all of them. It's straight up mountains out here and I'm so out of shape. We found tons of the people on the sheet and there are so many more to find and teach.
Had a miracle that happened this week as I went on exchanges with Elder Pavas for the day. He got a bloody nose and he ran to the closest building that happened to be a handmade tortilla business. Elder P. used the bathroom and while he did, I contacted the owners. They are a family of 6 and we will start teaching them this week.
Elder P and I were together in the District Attack of the Ward, Pavas and I again, and we decided to contact these people out front of their house worshiping a 8 foot statue of Maria. We just chatted and shared and while it was interesting to hear their point of view, I also testified to them of what we believe. Super glad we did that even though it was definitely something strange.
I got signed up to play all the hymns in the branch every Sunday along with the huge Christmas program for the choir. I gotta brusshen up on my piano skillz because it's been way too long since ive tickled the ivory.
The Church is true folks.
Elder Quackenbush