
July 4, 2016


Flower Mound 3rd Ward


Elder Jacob Parsons

Nothin' Like the 4th o' July in TEXAS!

Well, happy 4th of July! IT is an awesome holiday that we have to

reflect on the freedoms hat we have and the sacrifices it took to get

us there. We truly are blessed to live in a country where people are

so passionate about the things that they think about and that we can

be that passionate without risking imprisonment or death by the


Here in Flower Mound, we are making a lot of progress! We have an over

aged child, Bradon, on date for baptism on the 30th of July. He has

has been progressing the past few weeks and we got the grandfather

involved so hopefully this will actually go through. The family is

notorious for stopping things last second. He is a super smart kid! I

love him! He picks up on things really quick and is super smart.

There is another man that we are teaching named Chris Tarrantino. He

has been prepared by the Lord! He is super humble right now and is

actually keeping commitments! He isn't far a long, it will be a long

journey for him, but it will be a most joyous one!

I will need to say that this last week there was not much to it

besides getting a new mission president. I had a fairly normal week,

nothing incredibly exciting setting aside getting a new mission


President Whitney is awesome! He is shorter than I expected, about 5'

5-7" and is super humble, funny and spiritual. He expressed thoughts

to us such as "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." And many other

thoughts that are full of humility, love, and wisdom. I can't wait to

get to know him better and develop a deeper love for him.

Elder Parsons is growing! He is becoming a better listener and a

better teacher. He definitely tries my patience, I would be lying if I

said he didn't. But he is so awesome! He is so wiling and eager and

loves to work hard and be obedient. I love working with him and I

learn so much.

I had some thoughts that I wanted to express in this letter, and I

actually had this whole letter written but then it somehow got deleted

so I had to start over and stretch my patience some more. As I was

starting this new letter, I had another thought come into my mind

about what to write to you all today; something different than what I

had anticipated to write about. I will write on the other ones at a

separate time. The subject on which I wish to write is sacrifice.

Sacrifice is something that has meant something different in many

different contexts all throughout time. Adam was commanded to

sacrifice to God. It is a simple fact so deal with it. Sacrifice, in

some way shape or form, is central to everything that we do. Sacrifice

is something that we as Americans are very familiar with, but do we

truly understand that impact of that sacrifice that those before us

have made. If you know me, you know that I love history. I love

history so much I thought about getting a Ph.D. In history just so I

could learn a l the history stuff. During the time that America has

been a country, starting July 4th 1776, our country has been involved

in 8 major conflicts/wars and one on going military action dubbed,

'The war on Terror." 3 of those wars have been fought on American

soil. We one those. We have lost ship[s, towers, men, women and

children in bombings and attacks that took place with no warning and

on civilian targets and military targets. We have lost thousand of

innocent lives in attacks on our own soil and on the soil of other

nations around the world. However, since the Civil War, there has not

been a single battle of any war fought on U.S. soil. that is largely

due to the men and women that have sacrifice to fend of the evil of

Hitler , communists and other people seeking to destroy our freedoms.

It is to those men and women that we owe a great deal to. I mentioned

this last 4th of July, but inthe end of the movie "Saving Private

Ryan," A dying Tom Hanks acting as a caption saving a now only son of

a mother said to private Ryan "Earn this." If he could, he would

probably have elaborated and said, "Earn the sacrifice that we have

made. Make your life something worth these fine lives. many men died

so you could live today. Be grateful and earn it." I am eternally

grateful for the sacrifice of many, many men and women and their


With that said, I would now like to turn my attention to a different

sacrifice. What is called, the ultimate sacrifice. I speak of the

sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us. His Atonement. The Atonement

enables us to be resurrected and live again to return home to the

presence of our loving Heavenly Father. It enables us to be cleansed

from sin and endure through the hard times that we have. It is the

most pivotal event in the history of this world. However, we cannot

have access to this Atonement, if we do not sacrifice of ourselves. We

need to live the gospel of Jesus Christ that is, faith in him and his

Atonement, we need to repent, we need to be baptized and receive the

gift of the Holy Ghost by proper authority and we need to endure to

the end. Now, I would like to focus on faith and repentance. These two

principles make up enduring to the end. These two principles are

inseparably connected with each other. You cannot have the pure form

of one without the increase of the other. To repent is to change our

thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, views and even environments to allow

us to have a Closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. This also

brings our will for our lives in line with his. This will take

humility and sacrifice on our part. The only thing that prevents us

from repenting and aligning our will without Fathers is our own pride.

So, to that I say, repent! Change! Become better today than you were

yesterday and fulfill your potential. It takes time and you will learn

line upon line and precept upon precept but you will eventually get

there if you keep trying. I promise. I do need to mention that you

cannot knowingly sin against God and say that you will repent later.

That is playing with fire and you will most assuredly burn yourself. I

know that this is true. Sacrifice brings us blessings. It takes

sacrifice on some level to live the commandments as revealed to us. As

you do these things, the Holy Ghost will be with you.

Keep the Faith and Hurrah for Israel!

Love, your missionary son and brother, Elder Jefferies

Elder Shepherd, Elder Parsons, Elder Reveli and I wrapping 3,000

hotdogs this morning.


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