
November 7, 2016


Arlington 6th Ward


Elder Brandon Harris

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Yet another transfer has gone by. It is still amazing to me how fast

this is going by. It has me filled with mixed emotions. Especially

when I see newer missionaries come out. On the flip side, it has been

interesting to see things change in all aspects of my life. My

motivations, my desires, my thoughts, my family's life, my choice of

friends and music as well as other forms of entertainment. Elder Clark

really had a big impact on me. But enough of that.

We didn't have a whole lot of way spectacular things that happened

this week. I don't really remember anything other than the amount of

teaching that we did and the amount of driving as well.

I always enjoy my weeks, they have recently been filled more and more

with teaching appointments and serving others. You see many

opportunities to go out of your way to serve the missionaries in your

area. We have seen many of those this past week. Starting out the

week, we had more set appointments than I have ever had in my entire

mission! A good portion of them cancelled but it was still a good

week. We got a few new investigators which is always a joy. We need to

work on our finding and our planning, but we are improving! That is

what we are looking for, right? I have recently started to say a

saying that goes like this: "Focus on improvement and progression not

failure." I really like that because it helps me focus on improvement

and not failure.

Chris is startling to progress. He is starting to gain a stronger

testimony of the things that we are teaching and that he is reading

the Book of Mormon. It will be really awesome to see where he goe from

here. He will be baptized eventually, probably early next year or so.

We saw the Dixon's and they are doing well also. The little girls are

really quick learners which is normal for children. They are so cute

too! They have learned a lot for not really going to church or


Cinthia is working on gaining a better desire and a stronger faith and

relationship with God.

Sam received the Aaronic priesthood yesterday! He will probably get

his temple recommend here soon as well. The temple reopens on November

15th which means that we will be able to take him to the temple to do

baptisms. We are super excited for that!

Zone conference is tomorrow and we were asked to study how to receive

revelation through prayer. In the course of my studies I have learned/

relearned some really cool things how to begin teaching I love about

personal revelation. Personal revelation is something that I have

learned to receive and discern. That has probably been one of the most

profitable things that I have learned serving my mission. So first, we

need to establish that there are in fact different types of

revelation. There is personal revelation which we receive for

ourselves, and then there is the revelation that the prophet receives

for the whole world. Only the prophet can receive revelation for the

whole world. We still need to gain our own testimony though. That

witness and testimony comes by personal revelation. Personal

revelation is a witness from the Holy Ghost that something is true, or

guidance in a particular situation. Joseph Smith taught

"[Revelation] is the principle on which the government of heaven is

conducted--by revelation adapted to the circumstances in which the

children of the kingdom are placed"

We receive revelation by faithful prayer, studying the scriptures and

pondering on what we have read. Also pay very careful attention to the

thoughts that enter your mind and feelings that come to your heart.

When you do, you will be able to discern the things that God would

have you do and that will be of wonderful blessings to you. I love you


Keep the Faith and Hurrah for Israel!

Love, your missionary son and brother, Elder Jefferies

Me making our customary breakfast burritos.


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