
January 23, 2017


Burleson Ward


Elder Matthew Newey


Well, there went another one. These things are going too fast. I am

not sure what I am gonna do haha. Well, for now, I guess I will just

keep going haha. I will be staying here in Burleson with Elder Newey!

I hope we stay together for my last one as well. He is a really good

missionary, a great friend and an awesome teacher who not only teaches

investigators and members well, but is also a fantastic teacher and

example to me as well. I am so excited to see what the next transfer


Bible study this week was on faith. It went really well and it is so

much fun to see how much of a difference it makes when two 20 year

olds that come in and preach on a random gospel subject. It really

brightens up their day! It is really nice to get to see that every

week. I get a sense for what the scripture says when it says that

Christ "had compassion on them." My heart swells with compassion for

those people when I go over there. Please, go spend some time visiting

with some people in nursing homes. They need it.

We are excited to see the JustServe program get established in our

stake and we are sure that the stake is as well. I really like how it

was coming from the Area Authority and not the mission it feels like

when things come from the mission, the members don't really have a ton

of interest. It will be a wonderful resource for the members and will

benefit the communities greatly as we can already tell.

 We have changed our focus from investigators to less-active members

and have gone to work trying to find "Amuleks" (The next paragraph

explains what I am talking about.) and we have had wonderful success!

We were able to find out who is less-active even though they were

marked as active on our area book. Now that we have that narrowed

down, we can start visiting those that we have not visited before.

When we were searching for those "Amuleks" before, we found that about

half of them have moved away. We have been collecting information so

that the ward council can use it. It should be fairly helpful for

them. There have been several times where we were able to teach the

person that answered the door and we have set up return appointments

with them so it is working both ways.

The Burleson stake scripture for the year is Alma 10:5-11. It is the

story of Amulek, the powerful missionary companion of Alma the

Younger. A little background on this is that Amulek who, if it were in

our day, was a less-active member of the church. An angel appeared to

him and told him that Alma will come along and that he should feed

him. Amulek did as the angel commanded and Alma blessed his home and

everyone in it. He taught them the gospel and rekindled that fire that

they once had for the gospel of Christ. The stake presidency has

encouraged every member of the stake to find an "Amulek" who is

someone that is less-active, but can be nurtured to be brought back.

From my experience, there are many people out there who have just

fallen out of the habit, lost contact or simply slipped through the

cracks.  I invite you to go and find someone who could be considered

and "Amulek" and nurture them back to their faith and covenants. You

will see success! I promise!

Keep the Faith and Hurrah for Israel!

Love, your missionary son and brother, Elder Jefferies

A cool storm front that came in. It literally took only five minutes

to get from the horizon to us. That one brought hail and sideways rain



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