
December 28, 2015


Belton Ward


Elder Saia Sikaleti

Christmas Hangover

Howdy y'all!

This Christmas was obviously different than those past in most ways
but in some ways it was still very similar. After the skype call I
felt really out of place. I have heard that this normally happens to
missionaries after they call home. The next morning I woke up and it
seemed as if all of my drive was gone - I didn't want to do anything.
That faded, though, as I just completed the morning as usual. It I
still woke up at 5 Christmas morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I
will be honest I as almost dreading calling home because I knew that
just as fast as it came it would be time to hang up. It was sad but I
know that it is alright! I have things to concentrate on down here and
y'all do up there.

The weather has been crazy down here as you have heard. All Christmas
week it was really warm. Like 70s and 80s warm... That was really
weird. The day after Christmas we mowed some lawns. On the 26th of
December... Then out of no where Saturday afternoon it started to rain
like crazy and we also had a tornado warning which we didn't know
about until after it was done and over with. It continued to rain
until last night. There have also been various storms in TX (attached

So idk if y'all know this but Mom got us nerf guns! We have had some
epic battles including a bout of us just sitting on our beds shooting
each other in the face haha! Those were a good choice Mom!

This area can be tough but it is fun at the same time. Towards the end
of my service in Arlington, I was really concentrating on studying
charity. When I got transferred here I continued it for a few weeks
until my study lead me somewhere else as well as the focus on the
mission. That is also when I was having a really tough time with Elder
Sikaleti and this area. Fast forward to this transfer. Elder Sikaleti
and I talked and got things straightened out (I still had those tough
moments but hey are in every relationship). We would be together for
Christmas so I started to think about what I wanted Old Testament get
him for Christmas. I put my replica copy of the 1830 Book of Mormon on
my desk and Elder Sikaleti said that he really wanted one so I told
Mom without him wanting one and asked her to get one. We had it in the
apartment for maybe a little over a week before Christmas. I would get
so excited looking at it and I couldn't wait for Elder Sikaleti to I
open it Christmas Day. I have started to develop genuine charity and I
am so happy about it! I believe that that is why I was sent down here
to be companions with Elder Sikaleti. It was an answer to my prayers
asking for charity.

Remember Leah? Yeah she was at church yesterday as well as Danielle!
We are so excited for those two young women to progress in the gospel
and enter into the covenant of baptism.

So something big is happening here in the mission! Elder D. Todd
Christoffersen of the Quorum of the Twleve Apostles is visiting our
mission on January 9th... Man that is so exciting! That will make
three apostles that I have shaken hands with. Elder Ballard, Elder
Oaks and soon Elder Christoffersen. I have no idea what he is going to
speak to us about but I can't wait!

Transfers arre coming up next Wednesday which is really weird. That
flew by. But hat means that next Pday will be a combined zone Pday.
Elder Sikaleti has planned and made most of the arrangements to roast
a pig and take it up to the Pday!

Christmas Eve I was struggling with some negative thoughts about being
alone and also just unnecessarily stressing myself out but each time
those thoughts came to mind this verse from 3 Nephi came to mind:

"Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at
hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow
come I into the world."

After that thought came into my head I could smile and keep going for
a while. I am continually amazed at how much comfort the Book of
Mormon brings to me. It shouldn't be a surprise but it is haha. I know
that the Book of Mormon is true. It generates too many fruits of the
spirit to not be. Because I know that the Book of Mormon is true, I
know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet who did restore the gospel to
the earth under the direction of Jesus Christ. I know that President
Thomas S. Monson is the mouthpice of the Lord. He speaks words of
truth. How do I know this? I have read his talks, I have heard him
speak, I have felt the Holy Ghost accompany his words and testify to
my heart that he is the chosen servant of the Lord on the earth. I
love you guys so much and I hope that you feel that! I pray for you

Keep the Faith and Hurrah for Israel!

Love, your missionary son and brother, Elder Jefferies


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