
October 18, 2018


Bitburg / Trier Germany


Elder Michael Shinedling

Street Contacting and SOFT TACOS!

Hey everyone!
This week was pretty cool and I've had a lot of really good experiences. My old companion and I, Elder Robinson, did a lot of tracting (going door to door) and not a lot of street contacting. But my new companion, Elder Schinedling, likes street contacting much more so now we are street contacting way more than tracting. This is good because I am able to improve my street contacting skills. This week we also had a split with the Elders from Saarbrücken and that was really fun! I was on a split with Elder Radle and he is one of my best friends in this mission right now so it was awesome to spend time with him. This week we also went to Wittlich and picked up my German drivers license. As far as our friends of the church go, we haven't found anybody new this week yet but we have had a lot of great conversations with people so it was definitely still a successful week! I've learned on my mission that the mission isn't about the numbers, it's more about the people and to plant seeds in their heart about the Gospel. Hopefully, sometimes sooner and sometimes later, the seed will grow into testimony. And as far as the members go, we have a dinner appointment tonight with an American family on base and we are going to have soft tacos so I am SUPER EXCITED!! Alright, that's about it for this week. I hope all is well in the states! Until next week!

Elder Rich


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